Servings Prep Time
2people 10minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
2people 10minutes
Cook Time
  1. Cut the breast on the center up to reach the half thick (1) and then cut them along the thickness to halve (2). Do the same with the other half of your chest (3). Then cut it into two to get a long, narrow slice, with the same size as the speck slice.
  2. Begin to prepare the filling by laying the chicken breast slice on a chopping board (4), and add a pinch of salt. Take the leerdammer slices and cut them with the same shape and size of chest. Then place the cheese on top of the meat to cover the whole slice (5). Then take the slice of speck and put it over the same axis exactly above the cheese (6).
  3. Now sprinkle with a few black pepper and then start rolling the slices (7), then stopping them with a toothpick. So start to turn the slices on each other so they roll and stop them. Then cut the roll over the width in about three parts (8), stopping each part with a toothpick (9).
  4. Then put a piece of rosemary sprig into the roll of meat (10). Take a casserole and pour some olive oil (11) before laying the chicken rolls, sprinkling with pepper and lightly salty. Then bake it the oven (12), preheated at 180°C for about half an hour, taking care to turn the roll after 15 minutes. Once ready, take off and serve hot, topping with the melted cheese found on the bottom of casserole.
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