Swedish Bitter is a completely alcoholic extract obtained through maceration in one and a half liter of wheat or fruit brandy, with an alcohol content of 40 volumes.



The Swedish bitter after dinner is a very ancient herbal recipe that is found in an alcoholic solution able to heal various ailments, very quickly and effectively. It can heal simple and occasional headaches or stomach ache, or much more complex pathologies such as pains at the spine, neck, arthritis, arthrosis, ulcer, fistula, tinnitus, or ringing in the ears, sinusitis and also deafness, paralysis and some types of tumors.
In reality, the diseases can cure many, many more. The recipe was found in an ancient manuscript, where there are 46 points that list the diseases and disorders that can be treated through the use of the Swedish Amaro, which has also been tested with positive outcomes, leading to healing some patients . It is not the usual story that tells us on television, but a real natural remedy without any contraindication and within everyone’s reach, very simple to use.

Composition of the Swedish Amaro and origins

The Swedish Amaro is a completely alcoholic extract obtained through the maceration in a liter and a half of wheat or fruit brandy, with an alcohol content of 40 volumes, such as gin or grappa, for example for two weeks in the sunlight, a precise blend of previously dried herbs. The herbs used for the preparation of this magic potion are:

10 grams of Aloe Vera or Aleo Barbadensis
5 grams of Mirra Commiphora Myrrha
0.2 grams of saffron Crocus Sativus
10 grams of Angelica Archangelica Angelica root
10 grams of rhubarb rhubarb Rheum Rhabarbarum
5 grams of Carlina Vulgaris Carlina root
10 grams of leaves of Cassia Angustifolia Cassia
10 grams of Turmeric root Zedoaria Curcuma
10 grams of Camphor Natural Chinese Camphor
10 grams of Teriaca Veneziana (mixture of different spices and herbs)
10 grams of Manna

According to various hypotheses the true origins of the Swedish Bitter are due to the ingenious invention of the Swiss man Paracelsus, that was a great doctor, alchemist and botanist who seems to have lived in the Renaissance period. Later it was rediscovered by some Swedish doctors, Hurban Hjarne and Claus Samst around the eighteenth century. Finally, the recipe seems to have become public knowledge after the latter’s death, because it was found among his papers in a manuscript containing the secret formula of the 11 herbs used to make this extraordinary elixir able to heal many pathologies and disorders. This mix of herbs seems to have played a very important role in the life of the doctor Samst who died after a fall at the age of 104.

Swedish Bitter and Maria Treben

Maria Treben was a very famous writer and scholar of natural medicine through the use of medical herbs. It is thanks to her that we owe the knowledge and diffusion of the Swedish Bitter, because she was published in her book “The Health of the Pharmacy of the Lord” became a bestseller news related to this precious natural find, which was written in 20 languages different, for a total sale of over 8 million copies.

Maria Treben
Maria Treben

His great passion for natural medicine blossomed thanks to the discovery of this miraculous herbal extract. In her book it is said that in the past she fell ill with a severe form of typhus, which she never completely recovered from. For several years, in fact, the writer brought with him a series of disorders such as sudden pain in the stomach, diarrhea, vomiting, difficulty in going to bed and sitting down.
All these problems made his life a real hell. One day, however, a lady arrives at her house, who brought her as a gift a small bottle containing a dark and very fragrant liquid inside. This was precisely the Swedish Bitter. The kind lady had learned of Maria Treben’s illness and wanted to help her in healing. He told her of the many healing powers of the herbal extract, and of the way in which he would have to administer it to finally recover from his ailments.

Although initially Maria was skeptical, in the following days she was able to use the Swedish Bitter, thus testing its effectiveness, both on it and on its loved ones and on the unknown people who needed help. All this made Treben passionate about the world of medicinal herbs, until his passion led her over the years to be one of the leading exponents in the field of Natural Medicine.

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